21st Century Policing
Task Force
The First Five Years
In May 2015, the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (21CPTF) delivered 156 recommendations and action items, organized into 6 pillars, to law enforcement agencies and the federal government. This project examines 21CPTF Report’s reach and impact in the law enforcement field in the five years following the publication release.
This diffusion assessment incorporates a literature review, policy evaluation, and environmental scan related to the 21CPTF Report. Surveys, stakeholder interviews, and the case studies provide additional qualitative data and evidence-based practices. The overarching goals include: 1) exploring the extent to which the principles and strategies that underlie the 21CPTR have influenced changes in policing or have otherwise been absorbed into the field; 2) examining catalysts and inhibitors to implementation of these principles and strategies; and, Providing examples of agencies that have or have not implemented these principles and the ways in which they have done so, or, if they have not, the barriers.
The Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing
Hover or tap icons to view definitions of each pillar.
Building Trust & Legitimacy
Building trust and nurturing legitimacy on both sides of the police/citizen divide is the foundational principle underlying the nature of relations between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve.
Policy & Oversight
If police are to carry out their responsibilities according to established policies, those policies must reflect community values.
Technology & Social Media
The use of technology can improve policing practices and build community trust and legitimacy, but its implementation must be built on a defined policy framework with its purposes and goals clearly delineated.
Community Policing & Crime Reduction
Community policing emphasizes working with neighborhood residents to coproduce public safety.
Training & Education
As the U.S. becomes more pluralistic and the scope of law enforcement’s responsibilities expands, the need for expanded and more effective training has become critical.
Officer Wellness & Safety
The wellness and safety of law enforcement officers is critical not only for the officers, their colleagues, and their agencies but also to public safety.
Featured Interactive Visualization
Explore implementation of Task Force recommendations by pillar. Check boxes on the right to filter by agency type and size.
Opening Remarks
James Burch
President, National Police Foundation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit fermentum augue, eget eleifend magna. In eu nunc orci. Cras metus nunc, congue porttitor purus id, tristique eleifend orci. Sed sit amet ipsum eros. Aenean efficitur eros vitae odio venenatis rutrum. Aliquam ultrices urna augue, sit amet sagittis arcu convallis ac. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque fermentum risus quis vehicula ultricies. Suspendisse nec risus nec sapien scelerisque porta. Cras et porta tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut iaculis nunc. Duis id tempor purus, vel ullamcorper lectus. Quisque venenatis semper lectus. Nam euismod accumsan erat, ut gravida sapien dapibus sed. Curabitur ante erat, efficitur ac fermentum quis, commodo sit amet erat.
Curabitur euismod elit erat, ut iaculis enim mattis feugiat. Nunc id metus nisi. Praesent cursus eleifend tortor vitae lacinia. Praesent lectus eros, pellentesque ac sem eu, venenatis rutrum diam. Aliquam ut tincidunt leo. In hac habitasse platea.
Nina Vinik
Director, Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform Program
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit fermentum augue, eget eleifend magna. In eu nunc orci. Cras metus nunc, congue porttitor purus id, tristique eleifend orci. Sed sit amet ipsum eros. Aenean efficitur eros vitae odio venenatis rutrum. Aliquam ultrices urna augue, sit amet sagittis arcu convallis ac. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque fermentum risus quis vehicula ultricies. Suspendisse nec risus nec sapien scelerisque porta. Cras et porta tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut iaculis nunc. Duis id tempor purus, vel ullamcorper lectus. Quisque venenatis semper lectus. Nam euismod accumsan erat, ut gravida sapien dapibus sed. Curabitur ante erat, efficitur ac fermentum quis, commodo sit amet erat.
Curabitur euismod elit erat, ut iaculis enim mattis feugiat. Nunc id metus nisi. Praesent cursus eleifend tortor vitae lacinia. Praesent lectus eros, pellentesque ac sem eu, venenatis rutrum diam. Aliquam ut tincidunt leo. In hac habitasse platea.